Albert Adam Kuschel - Baseball - Coach
Year Inducted: 1992
Albert Adam Kuschel was born in Port Huron, Michigan, in 1901, and began his long athletic career as a pitcher on the Trinity Lutheran School sixth grade baseball team. Several years of school baseball built up his fast ball throwing ability, and in the 1920’s, he became a dominant figure in area baseball circles.
Albert Kuschel pitched for Port Huron-Sarnia in the Mint League, and earned a 9-1 victory over the highly regarded Kitcheners. In 1926, he pitched for the Saints in a crucial game against the Saginaw Aces, and he struck out 7 batters in a 7-6 losing cause.
On weekends, Albert Kuschel pitched for the St. Louis Cardinal farm club in Toronto.
Albert Kuschel was employed at Grand Trunk Western Railroad, and he pitched many years in the Grand Trunk System League local team. They were league champs in 1926, with Kuschel holding a 9-0 record.
In later years, Albert Kuschel was active as a manager, coach and player on many teams, including the Industrial League and Church League. He had more than one appearance against the visiting Detroit Tiger Old Timers. He coached Little League, and many of his boys later went on to play high school, college and independent ball. He kept his arm in fine shape, and at age 65, his fast ball still sizzled. He enjoyed teaching his forkball technique, and his son Bob still takes pleasure in passing on the advice to young pitchers.