George Welch - Softball, Football
Year Inducted: 1995
During the years 1951-52 to 1990, George Welch played softball with the fast pitch team Mueller Local #44. He also played various positions on numerous teams. He played while in the Army for the Heavy Motor Co. Fifth Infantry in 1955 and the Broadcast Army Regiment. He also played football for Madigan Army Hospital in Washington. He began his modified softball career as the starting pitcher for a team called Pepsi-Cola in 1962. He pitched in national tournaments for the Bopra Braves and Platzer's Plumbing in 1975 and in 1979 he pitched in and won the Michigan State Tournament. A couple of his greatest feats were pitching a no-hitter in the Millington Days Tournament in 1978 and having the change to pitch against Clinica, Florida in 1979 in a National Tournament in Binghamton, NY (Lost 2-1).