Harold A. "Brownie" Springer
Year Inducted: 1977
Port Huron – born on January 28, 1895 Brownie enrolled at Port Huron High School about the same time that Tubby Myers started to coach.
He came to High School Football a slender youngster weighing about 110 pounds of muscle, split second reflexes and a keen competitive brain that gave him supremacy in football and in every sport he tried. He captained teams in both football and baseball and was the Frank Meriwell of his time. His accomplishments have made him a legend in the sports history of Port Huron.
Port Huron High School
1909 - Football
1910 - Football, baseball, track
1911 - Football, baseball, track
1912 - Football, baseball, track
Olivet College
1913 - Football, baseball, track
1914 - Football
Michigan Agricultural College (Michigan State)
1915 - Football
1916 - Football, baseball
United States Army
1917 - Football 32nd Division (Army Champs, Waco, Texas)
1918 - Coach and Quarter-back, Officers Team, LeVall, France
1918 - Coach of 23rd Infantry Baseball, Germany
1919 - Michigan State – Football, baseball
1920 - Captain Michigan State Football Team
1921 - 22 Coach - Port Huron High, Football and baseball
1923 - 27 Coach - Lansing Central High, Football, baseball, track
1928 - 30 Coach - St. Stephen’s High , Football, basketball, baseball
In 1915 Brownie was the quarterback of the football team at Michigan Agricultural College (Michigan State) when they defeated a great Yost coached University of Michigan team 24 – 0. He was a spectacular runner who went all-out in every play and also was a tremendous inspirational force to his team. He had that indefinable quality known as color and was the darling of the fans.
Brownie Springer was involved in sports for 22 years. He was an outstanding athlete – a very successful coach and a respected gentleman on and off the field of play.